
Cystic pimple Treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2346291
What can you do about a cystic pimple? First, you should know what causes this form of acne, which will help you decide on a course of action to get rid of it.
There are actually a lot of different kinds of zits, but they are always brought about by bacteria that get in your skin follicles.
AVOID popping them at all costs
Cystic pimples are one of the more severe kinds of acne, and results when regular acne is filled with pus. This has the potential to leave sometimes permanent scars, particularly if you attempt to pop them. In other words, don't attempt don't do this-the downside far outweighs the potential benefits.
How to get rid of it
What should you do to get rid of this kind of acne? You should focus on healthy methods of getting rid of acne; if something is healthy for your overall body than it will help you get rid of your acne as well. the two go hand in hand.
Your skin is simply a reflection of how healthy your body is, and the more acne you have, the more toxins you have brewing beneath the surface. In the event of a serious outbreak of cystic pimples, you will certainly need to consult a dermatologist; however, if they aren't that bad, there definitely are natural methods that will work well.
First, clean out your digestive system. The no brainer solution is to be stricter about what you eat.
Stay away from processed foods, don't eat too much sugar, and just try to eat as little junk food as possible. One thing you can actually do is to go on a detoxification diet, and there are a number of different ones to choose from.
One in particular you might try is to only drink vegetable juice and water for one to three days; another option is eating only fruits and vegetables. The important thing is that you focus on foods that have high water content, since these put the least amount of strain on the digestive system.
Doing this this will detoxify your body and get rid of all the toxins that are stored up; you very likely will see a noticeable difference in your skin as well, and this just might take care of the cystic pimple problem right then and there.
However, if you go right back to your old way of eating, the acne will just come right back; therefore, after you finish the detox process, now start eating healthy on a regular basis.
The detox process is only the first step; now it's time to maintain your healthy habits. Try eating more vegan foods, and stop consuming those Snickers and Lays potato chips.
Another thing to do is make sure you get plenty of water, which tends to continually clean out your system on a daily basis. Most people don't drink nearly enough water, and in fact often times mistake their thirst as hunger signals. These are some of the best ways to get rid of the cystic pimple bug.