
Is Candida Causing Your Acne?

Candida is a form of yeast that is found in the body. Yeast can become an issue when there is an imbalance between the �good� and �bad� bact...

Urine Therapy for Acne...Does It Work?

Your first thoughts might be "EWW, GROSS, I'M NEVER DOING THAT!"  At least that's what I said when I first heard of this s...

Allergies May Be Causing Your Acne!

People who suffer with acne prone skin may begin to wonder what's really causing the acne.  Sure, teenage acne is triggered by raging ho...

Does Washing Your Face Too Much Cause Acne?

This is a question that I've gotten from a lot of readers. Is there such a thing as washing your face too much? Many people with acne ...

Interesting Acne Statistics

Interesting Acne Statistics

DIY Homemade Toothpaste Using Coconut Oil (No acne-causing SLS like normal toothpastes!)

I've discussed the benefits of using coconut oil as a topical acne remedy, but I wanted to share something else that may be helpful for ...

Does Caffeine Cause Acne?

If you frequently consume caffeine, you may often wonder whether or not caffeine causes acne . Caffeine comes in many different forms, but t...

Things only people with ACNE will understand...

As an acne sufferer myself I can honestly say that there are many things that people without acne just don't understand.  When I had acn...

Common Myths About Acne

If you have acne chances are you've heard quite a few myths about what might be causing your acne.  Personally, I got tired of hearing p...

Overnight Acne Treatments that Work!

Treating your acne overnight is a great way to rid yourself of breakouts by morning. Getting rid of acne can be difficult and an overnight s...

What Causes Acne?

If you suffer from acne one of the questions that is probably always on your mind is WHAT CAUSES ACNE ? As an acne sufferer myself for many ...

Evening Primrose Oil Supplements for Acne

Evening Primrose Oil for Acne I have posted in the past about the effectiveness of using Evening Primrose Oil supplements for acne.  I thoug...

What is Hormonal Acne? Pictures of Hormonal Acne

Have you been wondering if you suffer from hormonal acne ?  Have you tried everything but nothing seems to work?  Well, hormonal imbalance c...

Using Green Tea to Treat, Prevent, or Cure Acne and Breakouts

Drinking Green Tea for Acne Green tea is known for it's amazing health benefits.  There is a long list of reasons why you should be drin...

SPF (Sun Block) Can Cause Acne!

Did you know that SPF can actually cause acne or make it worse?  Well, it can.  Sun blocks usually have either zinc or titanium dioxide in t...

Washing Makeup Brushes to Prevent Breakouts

Why Wash Makeup Brushes? Makeup brushes are a staple for any makeup bag. There are many varieties of makeup brushes out there and each brush...

Is Dairy Causing Your Acne? Try Going Dairy-Free!

Going Dairy-Free to Prevent Acne Since I still struggle with acne I have done a lot of research on what may cause or increase acne breakouts...

Environmental Causes of Acne and Acne "Hot Zones"

What's Causing Your Acne? While people are often concerned with what is causing their acne, they may not necessarily be aware of the env...

Oily Skin Home Remedies

The Truth About Oily Skin Those suffering from oily skin know how persistent and bothersome the issue of oily skin can be. When you have oil...