
Choosing non-comedogenic makeup to prevent acne breakouts

Avoiding makeup can be difficult for a woman, especially one suffering from breakouts.  Going out in public with scars and pimples and blotchy skin can be a real damper on self-esteem.  When I was suffering from severe acne my family members and dermatologists were constantly telling me not to wear makeup because it would just make the acne worse.  Well, they weren't the ones that had to go out in public with scars all over their face or looking like a "pizza face."  Makeup was the only thing that made me feel somewhat better about going out in public.

Rather than quitting makeup all together, I decided to start being more mindful about what makeup I was using and what was in the ingredients list.  Here's some helpful hints on choosing makeup that won't cause breakouts or worsen your acne...

  • Always opt for non-comedogenic makeup.  You can often find liquid foundations, powders, blushes, etc. that are non-comedogenic.  Non-comedogenic products won't clog pores, which means that they are less likely to cause breakouts.
  • Use powder instead of liquid foundation.  Liquid foundations are more likely to clog pores.  Additionally, powder also helps control shine while liquid foundations may actually worsen oily skin.
  • Avoid using makeup when possible.  If you can get through a day without putting on makeup, then do it!  For example, sometimes I don't really have any plans for the day other than maybe running a few errands.  Rather than put makeup on just to go visit the post office or grocery store I decide to give my skin a break.  So, give your skin a break when possible.  I'm not saying stop wearing makeup, just cut back if you can.
  • Switch to mineral makeup.  Mineral makeup typically has less harmful chemicals and harsh ingredients, so it's usually the better option.  You can find mineral foundation, blush, eyeshadow, etc.
  • Use oil-free foundations.  Most acne sufferers also suffer from oily skin, so try to find makeup that clearly states oil-free on the label.
  • Make sure that you keep all of your makeup tools clean.  Wash your makeup brushes regularly to prevent bacteria build up.